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This is the first issue of our third volume, and we continue to adopt new elements both in our form and our contents. We have a completely new debut portfolio that focuses on brand-new voices from Miami, while the rest of the pieces in the issue crisscross the globe. In one piece we can be brought back to Oxford in 1916 to meet C. S. Lewis and his rival, in another we can be in Chicago and China in 2020 or 2021 to see how our “flights” are like during the pandemic. We see heartbreak and reunion. We see compromises and courage. We also see the danger of our being devoured by a numbing world and the unswerving efforts to demarcate our existence from mesmerizing memories. There are cries and smiles, in the Mojave Desert and the Mekong, in New York and Singapore, in Hong Kong and Las Vegas, in numerous nameless places where we find we are living a story that is in essence not much different from those of our protagonists. We also include book reviews and essays that map new territories in the world of letters, and interestingly, we also include a poem about another poem’s being rejected by us.   

The Hong Kong Review, Vol III, No.1

SKU: 009

    The Hong Kong Review is an international journal of literature, culture and the arts. It is based in Hong Kong and Tianjin.


    2306 Prosper Commercial Building, 9 Yin Chong Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong

    2-4, Chengxiang Mansion, Nankai District, Tianjin

    902 Baolong Center, Siming District, Xiamen


    ALL CONTENTS © 2018-2025 The Hong Kong Review @ MCE (Hong Kong). ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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