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CS Lewis Applies to Oxford, 1916

                           “There, he shared a sitting room with another hopeful candidate” – Alister McGrath

James Sale

There, beside him, that other candidate:

He, too, had appointments, and a calling;

He, too, was waiting – the War the while wailing –

And Oxford only offering one its fate.


What else, what other future could there be?

The text is written, books done, now dusted –

Yet ideas live – ideas Lewis wrestled, trusted;

But that other one, where is he?


Did war prove his learning’s antidote?

Some sniper snipe days before armistice?

Or he become a teacher somewhere ‘nice’

Who once with Lewis strove and pitched his note?


Or did he find love, honest and durable –

A brace of kids, not books and all their dust –

A life of deeper sweat, more urgent must –

A life of being finally, really curable?


Where is he now that candidate, that one

With whom the great Lewis struggled, prevailed?

There is a history very real, never nailed

Each one of us has to do, does, till we’re done.

(p. 1, The Hong Kong Review, Vol. III, No. 1)


The Hong Kong Review is an international journal of literature, culture and the arts. It is based in Hong Kong and Tianjin.


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